These new enemies can be seen in Alpha Three on the upper part of the mining installation summoned along with waves of Flyers and accompanied with Strikers and Big Strikers for ground control. A player can tell when a Shocker is getting ready to attack by looking at how many orange projectiles have been created in front of it. They also only require brief line of sight to initiate their attacks, which can be used to effectively keep a Shocker occupied without risking damage.

Shockers share the indecisive behavior of shooters, and will often react to certain situations unpredictably. They inflict light damage (4%) to the player's health. You will require an account to build your own soundboard or buy sound tracks.
They prefer to engage the player from a distance while keeping line of sight, once they are ready to release their attack it is recommended that players take cover behind objects as a full barrage can easily shred or kill a player within seconds. - I agree to the privacy policy and the terms of usage. Shockers move less erratically than Flyers and completely stop moving when charging their attacks. Their projectiles are the same as the Flyers but look to be bigger and they seem to release it similar to how Hybrid's attacks are. They seem to have a certain electric charge build up around them before they release their barrage of projectiles.

Shockers appear to be a stronger and more armored variant of the Flyer enemies.